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02-11-2016, 12h16 (Modification du message : 02-11-2016, 12h18 par supersnail.)
Message : #1
hackline Hors ligne

Messages : 22
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Points: 10
Inscription : Sep 2016
Bonjour à vousBig Grin
Aujourd'hui je vous partage un scanneur de document pdf, qui va vous permettre d'extraire du code malveillant, si il y a Smile
Le code n'est pas de moi, je suis en train de le "lire", de le comprendre
L'auteur poste d’ailleurs de très bon script, je vous conseil de jeter un coup d’œil sur son site web

Code :

__description__ = 'pdf-parser, use it to parse a PDF document'
__author__ = 'Didier Stevens'
__version__ = '0.6.5'
__date__ = '2016/07/27'
__minimum_python_version__ = (2, 5, 1)
__maximum_python_version__ = (3, 4, 3)

Source code put in public domain by Didier Stevens, no Copyright
Use at your own risk

  2008/05/02: continue
  2008/05/03: continue
  2008/06/02: streams
  2008/10/19: refactor, grep & extract functionality
  2008/10/20: reference
  2008/10/21: cleanup
  2008/11/12: V0.3 dictionary parser
  2008/11/13: option elements
  2008/11/14: continue
  2009/05/05: added /ASCIIHexDecode support (thanks Justin Prosco)
  2009/05/11: V0.3.1 updated usage, added --verbose and --extract
  2009/07/16: V0.3.2 Added Canonicalize (thanks Justin Prosco)
  2009/07/18: bugfix EqualCanonical
  2009/07/24: V0.3.3 Added --hash option
  2009/07/25: EqualCanonical for option --type, added option --nocanonicalizedoutput
  2009/07/28: V0.3.4 Added ASCII85Decode support
  2009/08/01: V0.3.5 Updated ASCIIHexDecode to support whitespace obfuscation
  2009/08/30: V0.3.6 TestPythonVersion
  2010/01/08: V0.3.7 Added RLE and LZW support (thanks pARODY); added dump option
  2010/01/09: Fixed parsing of incomplete startxref
  2010/09/22: V0.3.8 Changed dump option, updated PrettyPrint, added debug option
  2011/12/17: fixed bugs empty objects
  2012/03/11: V0.3.9 fixed bugs double nested [] in PrettyPrintSub (thanks kurt)
  2013/01/11: V0.3.10 Extract and dump bug fixes by Priit; added content option
  2013/02/16: Performance improvement in cPDFTokenizer by using StringIO for token building by Christophe Vandeplas; xrange replaced with range
  2013/02/16: V0.4.0 added http/https support; added error handling for missing file or URL; ; added support for ZIP file with password 'infected'
  2013/03/13: V0.4.1 fixes for Python 3
  2013/04/11: V0.4.2 modified PrettyPrintSub for strings with unprintable characters
  2013/05/04: Added options searchstream, unfiltered, casesensitive, regex
  2013/09/18: V0.4.3 fixed regression bug -w option
  2014/09/25: V0.5.0 added option -g
  2014/09/29: Added PrintGenerateObject and PrintOutputObject
  2014/12/05: V0.6.0 Added YARA support
  2014/12/09: cleanup, refactoring
  2014/12/13: Python 3 fixes
  2015/01/11: Added support for multiple YARA rule files; added request to search in trailer
  2015/01/31: V0.6.1 Added optionyarastrings
  2015/02/09: Added decoders
  2015/04/05: V0.6.2 Added generateembedded
  2015/04/06: fixed bug reported by Kurt for stream produced by Ghostscript where endstream is not preceded by whitespace; fixed prettyprint bug
  2015/04/24: V0.6.3 when option dump's filename is -, content is dumped to stdout
  2015/08/12: V0.6.4 option hash now also calculates hashes of streams when selecting or searching objects; and displays hexasciidump first line
  2016/07/27: V0.6.5 bugfix whitespace 0x00 0x0C after stream 0x0D 0x0A reported by @mr_me

  - handle printf todo
  - support for JS hex string EC61C64349DB8D88AF0523C4C06E0F4D.pdf.vir


import re
import optparse
import zlib
import binascii
import hashlib
import sys
import zipfile
import time
import os
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    from io import StringIO
    import urllib.request
    urllib23 = urllib.request
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    import urllib2
    urllib23 = urllib2
    import yara




dumplinelength = 16

#Convert 2 Bytes If Python 3
def C2BIP3(string):
    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
        return bytes([ord(x) for x in string])
        return string

# CIC: Call If Callable
def CIC(expression):
    if callable(expression):
        return expression()
        return expression

# IFF: IF Function
def IFF(expression, valueTrue, valueFalse):
    if expression:
        return CIC(valueTrue)
        return CIC(valueFalse)

def Timestamp(epoch=None):
    if epoch == None:
        localTime = time.localtime()
        localTime = time.localtime(epoch)
    return '%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d' % localTime[0:6]

def CopyWithoutWhiteSpace(content):
    result = []
    for token in content:
        if token[0] != CHAR_WHITESPACE:
    return result

def Obj2Str(content):
    return ''.join(map(lambda x: repr(x[1])[1:-1], CopyWithoutWhiteSpace(content)))

class cPDFDocument:
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.file = file
        if file.lower().startswith('http://') or file.lower().startswith('https://'):
                if sys.hexversion >= 0x020601F0:
                    self.infile = urllib23.urlopen(file, timeout=5)
                    self.infile = urllib23.urlopen(file)
            except urllib23.HTTPError:
                print('Error accessing URL %s' % file)
        elif file.lower().endswith('.zip'):
                self.zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r')
                self.infile = self.zipfile.open(self.zipfile.infolist()[0], 'r', C2BIP3('infected'))
                print('Error opening file %s' % file)
                self.infile = open(file, 'rb')
                print('Error opening file %s' % file)
        self.ungetted = []
        self.position = -1

    def byte(self):
        if len(self.ungetted) != 0:
            self.position += 1
            return self.ungetted.pop()
        inbyte = self.infile.read(1)
        if not inbyte or inbyte == '':
            return None
        self.position += 1
        return ord(inbyte)

    def unget(self, byte):
        self.position -= 1

def CharacterClass(byte):
    if byte == 0 or byte == 9 or byte == 10 or byte == 12 or byte == 13 or byte == 32:
        return CHAR_WHITESPACE
    if byte == 0x28 or byte == 0x29 or byte == 0x3C or byte == 0x3E or byte == 0x5B or byte == 0x5D or byte == 0x7B or byte == 0x7D or byte == 0x2F or byte == 0x25:
        return CHAR_DELIMITER
    return CHAR_REGULAR

def IsNumeric(str):
    return re.match('^[0-9]+', str)

class cPDFTokenizer:
    def __init__(self, file):
        self.oPDF = cPDFDocument(file)
        self.ungetted = []

    def Token(self):
        if len(self.ungetted) != 0:
            return self.ungetted.pop()
        if self.oPDF == None:
            return None
        self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
        if self.byte == None:
            self.oPDF = None
            return None
        elif CharacterClass(self.byte) == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
            file_str = StringIO()
            while self.byte != None and CharacterClass(self.byte) == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
                self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
            if self.byte != None:
                self.oPDF = None
            self.token = file_str.getvalue()
            return (CHAR_WHITESPACE, self.token)
        elif CharacterClass(self.byte) == CHAR_REGULAR:
            file_str = StringIO()
            while self.byte != None and CharacterClass(self.byte) == CHAR_REGULAR:
                self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
            if self.byte != None:
                self.oPDF = None
            self.token = file_str.getvalue()
            return (CHAR_REGULAR, self.token)
            if self.byte == 0x3C:
                self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
                if self.byte == 0x3C:
                    return (CHAR_DELIMITER, '<<')
                    return (CHAR_DELIMITER, '<')
            elif self.byte == 0x3E:
                self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
                if self.byte == 0x3E:
                    return (CHAR_DELIMITER, '>>')
                    return (CHAR_DELIMITER, '>')
            elif self.byte == 0x25:
                file_str = StringIO()
                while self.byte != None:
                    if self.byte == 10 or self.byte == 13:
                        self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
                    self.byte = self.oPDF.byte()
                if self.byte != None:
                    if self.byte == 10:
                    self.oPDF = None
                self.token = file_str.getvalue()
                return (CHAR_DELIMITER, self.token)
            return (CHAR_DELIMITER, chr(self.byte))

    def TokenIgnoreWhiteSpace(self):
        token = self.Token()
        while token != None and token[0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
            token = self.Token()
        return token

    def unget(self, byte):

class cPDFParser:
    def __init__(self, file, verbose=False, extract=None):
        self.context = CONTEXT_NONE
        self.content = []
        self.oPDFTokenizer = cPDFTokenizer(file)
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.extract = extract

    def GetObject(self):
        while True:
            if self.context == CONTEXT_OBJ:
                self.token = self.oPDFTokenizer.Token()
                self.token = self.oPDFTokenizer.TokenIgnoreWhiteSpace()
            if self.token:
                if self.token[0] == CHAR_DELIMITER:
                    if self.token[1][0] == '%':
                        if self.context == CONTEXT_OBJ:
                            return cPDFElementComment(self.token[1])
                    elif self.token[1] == '/':
                        self.token2 = self.oPDFTokenizer.Token()
                        if self.token2[0] == CHAR_REGULAR:
                            if self.context != CONTEXT_NONE:
                                self.content.append((CHAR_DELIMITER, self.token[1] + self.token2[1]))
                            elif self.verbose:
                                print('todo 1: %s' % (self.token[1] + self.token2[1]))
                            if self.context != CONTEXT_NONE:
                            elif self.verbose:
                                print('todo 2: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                    elif self.context != CONTEXT_NONE:
                    elif self.verbose:
                        print('todo 3: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                elif self.token[0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
                    if self.context != CONTEXT_NONE:
                    elif self.verbose:
                        print('todo 4: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                    if self.context == CONTEXT_OBJ:
                        if self.token[1] == 'endobj':
                            self.oPDFElementIndirectObject = cPDFElementIndirectObject(self.objectId, self.objectVersion, self.content)
                            self.context = CONTEXT_NONE
                            self.content = []
                            return self.oPDFElementIndirectObject
                    elif self.context == CONTEXT_TRAILER:
                        if self.token[1] == 'startxref' or self.token[1] == 'xref':
                            self.oPDFElementTrailer = cPDFElementTrailer(self.content)
                            self.context = CONTEXT_NONE
                            self.content = []
                            return self.oPDFElementTrailer
                    elif self.context == CONTEXT_XREF:
                        if self.token[1] == 'trailer' or self.token[1] == 'xref':
                            self.oPDFElementXref = cPDFElementXref(self.content)
                            self.context = CONTEXT_NONE
                            self.content = []
                            return self.oPDFElementXref
                        if IsNumeric(self.token[1]):
                            self.token2 = self.oPDFTokenizer.TokenIgnoreWhiteSpace()
                            if IsNumeric(self.token2[1]):
                                self.token3 = self.oPDFTokenizer.TokenIgnoreWhiteSpace()
                                if self.token3[1] == 'obj':
                                    self.objectId = eval(self.token[1])
                                    self.objectVersion = eval(self.token2[1])
                                    self.context = CONTEXT_OBJ
                                    if self.verbose:
                                        print('todo 6: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                                if self.verbose:
                                    print('todo 7: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                        elif self.token[1] == 'trailer':
                            self.context = CONTEXT_TRAILER
                            self.content = [self.token]
                        elif self.token[1] == 'xref':
                            self.context = CONTEXT_XREF
                            self.content = [self.token]
                        elif self.token[1] == 'startxref':
                            self.token2 = self.oPDFTokenizer.TokenIgnoreWhiteSpace()
                            if self.token2 and IsNumeric(self.token2[1]):
                                return cPDFElementStartxref(eval(self.token2[1]))
                                if self.verbose:
                                    print('todo 9: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))
                        elif self.extract:
                            self.bytes = ''
                            while self.token:
                                self.bytes += self.token[1]
                                self.token = self.oPDFTokenizer.Token()
                            return cPDFElementMalformed(self.bytes)
                        elif self.verbose:
                            print('todo 10: %d %s' % (self.token[0], repr(self.token[1])))

class cPDFElementComment:
    def __init__(self, comment):
        self.type = PDF_ELEMENT_COMMENT
        self.comment = comment
#                        if re.match('^%PDF-[0-9]\.[0-9]', self.token[1]):
#                            print(repr(self.token[1]))
#                        elif re.match('^%%EOF', self.token[1]):
#                            print(repr(self.token[1]))

class cPDFElementXref:
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.type = PDF_ELEMENT_XREF
        self.content = content

class cPDFElementTrailer:
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.type = PDF_ELEMENT_TRAILER
        self.content = content

    def Contains(self, keyword):
        data = ''
        for i in range(0, len(self.content)):
            if self.content[i][1] == 'stream':
                data += Canonicalize(self.content[i][1])
        return data.upper().find(keyword.upper()) != -1

def IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart):
    if expr:
        return truepart
        return falsepart

class cPDFElementIndirectObject:
    def __init__(self, id, version, content):
        self.id = id
        self.version = version
        self.content = content
        #fix stream for Ghostscript bug reported by Kurt
        if self.ContainsStream():
            position = len(self.content) - 1
            if position < 0:
            while self.content[position][0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE and position >= 0:
                position -= 1
            if position < 0:
            if self.content[position][0] != CHAR_REGULAR:
            if self.content[position][1] == 'endstream':
            if not self.content[position][1].endswith('endstream'):
            self.content = self.content[0:position] + [(self.content[position][0], self.content[position][1][:-len('endstream')])] + [(self.content[position][0], 'endstream')] + self.content[position+1:]

    def GetType(self):
        content = CopyWithoutWhiteSpace(self.content)
        dictionary = 0
        for i in range(0, len(content)):
            if content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and content[i][1] == '<<':
                dictionary += 1
            if content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and content[i][1] == '>>':
                dictionary -= 1
            if dictionary == 1 and content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and EqualCanonical(content[i][1], '/Type') and i < len(content) - 1:
                return content[i+1][1]
        return ''

    def GetReferences(self):
        content = CopyWithoutWhiteSpace(self.content)
        references = []
        for i in range(0, len(content)):
            if i > 1 and content[i][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and content[i][1] == 'R' and content[i-2][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and IsNumeric(content[i-2][1]) and content[i-1][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and IsNumeric(content[i-1][1]):
                references.append((content[i-2][1], content[i-1][1], content[i][1]))
        return references

    def References(self, index):
        for ref in self.GetReferences():
            if ref[0] == index:
                return True
        return False

    def ContainsStream(self):
        for i in range(0, len(self.content)):
            if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and self.content[i][1] == 'stream':
                return self.content[0:i]
        return False

    def Contains(self, keyword):
        data = ''
        for i in range(0, len(self.content)):
            if self.content[i][1] == 'stream':
                data += Canonicalize(self.content[i][1])
        return data.upper().find(keyword.upper()) != -1

    def StreamContains(self, keyword, filter, casesensitive, regex):
        if not self.ContainsStream():
            return False
        streamData = self.Stream(filter)
        if filter and streamData == 'No filters':
            streamData = self.Stream(False)
        if regex:
            return re.search(keyword, streamData, IIf(casesensitive, 0, re.I))
        elif casesensitive:
            return keyword in streamData
            return keyword.lower() in streamData.lower()

    def Stream(self, filter=True):
        state = 'start'
        countDirectories = 0
        data = ''
        filters = []
        for i in range(0, len(self.content)):
            if state == 'start':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1] == '<<':
                    countDirectories += 1
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1] == '>>':
                    countDirectories -= 1
                if countDirectories == 1 and self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and EqualCanonical(self.content[i][1], '/Filter'):
                    state = 'filter'
                elif countDirectories == 0 and self.content[i][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and self.content[i][1] == 'stream':
                    state = 'stream-whitespace'
            elif state == 'filter':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1][0] == '/':
                    filters = [self.content[i][1]]
                    state = 'search-stream'
                elif self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1] == '[':
                    state = 'filter-list'
            elif state == 'filter-list':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1][0] == '/':
                elif self.content[i][0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and self.content[i][1] == ']':
                    state = 'search-stream'
            elif state == 'search-stream':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and self.content[i][1] == 'stream':
                    state = 'stream-whitespace'
            elif state == 'stream-whitespace':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
                    whitespace = self.content[i][1]
                    if whitespace.startswith('\x0D\x0A') and len(whitespace) > 2:
                        data += whitespace[2:]
                    elif whitespace.startswith('\x0A') and len(whitespace) > 1:
                        data += whitespace[1:]
                    data += self.content[i][1]
                state = 'stream-concat'
            elif state == 'stream-concat':
                if self.content[i][0] == CHAR_REGULAR and self.content[i][1] == 'endstream':
                    if filter:
                        return self.Decompress(data, filters)
                        return data
                    data += self.content[i][1]
                return 'Unexpected filter state'
        return filters

    def Decompress(self, data, filters):
        for filter in filters:
            if EqualCanonical(filter, '/FlateDecode') or EqualCanonical(filter, '/Fl'):
                    data = FlateDecode(data)
                except zlib.error as e:
                    message = 'FlateDecode decompress failed'
                    if len(data) > 0 and ord(data[0]) & 0x0F != 8:
                        message += ', unexpected compression method: %02x' % ord(data[0])
                    return message + '. zlib.error %s' % e.message
            elif EqualCanonical(filter, '/ASCIIHexDecode') or EqualCanonical(filter, '/AHx'):
                    data = ASCIIHexDecode(data)
                    return 'ASCIIHexDecode decompress failed'
            elif EqualCanonical(filter, '/ASCII85Decode') or EqualCanonical(filter, '/A85'):
                    data = ASCII85Decode(data.rstrip('>'))
                    return 'ASCII85Decode decompress failed'
            elif EqualCanonical(filter, '/LZWDecode') or EqualCanonical(filter, '/LZW'):
                    data = LZWDecode(data)
                    return 'LZWDecode decompress failed'
            elif EqualCanonical(filter, '/RunLengthDecode') or EqualCanonical(filter, '/R'):
                    data = RunLengthDecode(data)
                    return 'RunLengthDecode decompress failed'
#            elif i.startswith('/CC')                        # CCITTFaxDecode
#            elif i.startswith('/DCT')                       # DCTDecode
                return 'Unsupported filter: %s' % repr(filters)
        if len(filters) == 0:
            return 'No filters'
            return data

    def StreamYARAMatch(self, rules, decoders, decoderoptions, filter):
        if not self.ContainsStream():
            return None
        streamData = self.Stream(filter)
        if filter and streamData == 'No filters':
            streamData = self.Stream(False)

        oDecoders = [cIdentity(streamData, None)]
        for cDecoder in decoders:
                oDecoder = cDecoder(streamData, decoderoptions)
            except Exception as e:
                print('Error instantiating decoder: %s' % cDecoder.name)
                raise e
        results = []
        for oDecoder in oDecoders:
            while oDecoder.Available():
                yaraResults = rules.match(data=oDecoder.Decode())
                if yaraResults != []:
                    results.append([oDecoder.Name(), yaraResults])

        return results

class cPDFElementStartxref:
    def __init__(self, index):
        self.type = PDF_ELEMENT_STARTXREF
        self.index = index

class cPDFElementMalformed:
    def __init__(self, content):
        self.type = PDF_ELEMENT_MALFORMED
        self.content = content

def TrimLWhiteSpace(data):
    while data != [] and data[0][0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
        data = data[1:]
    return data

def TrimRWhiteSpace(data):
    while data != [] and data[-1][0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
        data = data[:-1]
    return data

class cPDFParseDictionary:
    def __init__(self, content, nocanonicalizedoutput):
        self.content = content
        self.nocanonicalizedoutput = nocanonicalizedoutput
        dataTrimmed = TrimLWhiteSpace(TrimRWhiteSpace(self.content))
        if dataTrimmed == []:
            self.parsed = None
        elif self.isOpenDictionary(dataTrimmed[0]) and self.isCloseDictionary(dataTrimmed[-1]):
            self.parsed = self.ParseDictionary(dataTrimmed)[0]
            self.parsed = None

    def isOpenDictionary(self, token):
        return token[0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and token[1] == '<<'

    def isCloseDictionary(self, token):
        return token[0] == CHAR_DELIMITER and token[1] == '>>'

    def ParseDictionary(self, tokens):
        state = 0 # start
        dictionary = []
        while tokens != []:
            if state == 0:
                if self.isOpenDictionary(tokens[0]):
                    state = 1
                    return None, tokens
            elif state == 1:
                if self.isOpenDictionary(tokens[0]):
                elif self.isCloseDictionary(tokens[0]):
                    return dictionary, tokens
                elif tokens[0][0] != CHAR_WHITESPACE:
                    key = ConditionalCanonicalize(tokens[0][1], self.nocanonicalizedoutput)
                    value = []
                    state = 2
            elif state == 2:
                if self.isOpenDictionary(tokens[0]):
                    value, tokens = self.ParseDictionary(tokens)
                    dictionary.append((key, value))
                    state = 1
                elif self.isCloseDictionary(tokens[0]):
                    dictionary.append((key, value))
                    return dictionary, tokens
                elif value == [] and tokens[0][0] == CHAR_WHITESPACE:
                elif value == [] and tokens[0][1] == '[':
                elif value != [] and value[0] == '[' and tokens[0][1] != ']':
                elif value != [] and value[0] == '[' and tokens[0][1] == ']':
                    dictionary.append((key, value))
                    value = []
                    state = 1
                elif value != [] and tokens[0][1][0] == '/':
                    dictionary.append((key, value))
                    key = ConditionalCanonicalize(tokens[0][1], self.nocanonicalizedoutput)
                    value = []
                    state = 2
                    value.append(ConditionalCanonicalize(tokens[0][1], self.nocanonicalizedoutput))
            tokens = tokens[1:]

    def Retrieve(self):
        return self.parsed

    def PrettyPrintSub(self, prefix, dictionary):
        if dictionary != None:
            print('%s<<' % prefix)
            for e in dictionary:
                if e[1] == []:
                    print('%s  %s' % (prefix, e[0]))
                elif type(e[1][0]) == type(''):
                    if len(e[1]) == 3 and IsNumeric(e[1][0]) and e[1][1] == '0' and e[1][2] == 'R':
                        joiner = ' '
                        joiner = ''
                    value = joiner.join(e[1]).strip()
                    reprValue = repr(value)
                    if "'" + value + "'" != reprValue:
                        value = reprValue
                    print('%s  %s %s' % (prefix, e[0], value))
                    print('%s  %s' % (prefix, e[0]))
                    self.PrettyPrintSub(prefix + '    ', e[1])
            print('%s>>' % prefix)

    def PrettyPrint(self, prefix):
        self.PrettyPrintSub(prefix, self.parsed)

    def Get(self, select):
        for key, value in self.parsed:
            if key == select:
                return value
        return None

def FormatOutput(data, raw):
    if raw:
        if type(data) == type([]):
            return ''.join(map(lambda x: x[1], data))
            return data
        return repr(data)

#Fix for http://bugs.python.org/issue11395
def StdoutWriteChunked(data):
    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
        while data != '':
            except IOError:
            data = data[10000:]

def IfWIN32SetBinary(io):
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        import msvcrt
        msvcrt.setmode(io.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)

def PrintOutputObject(object, options):
    if options.dump == '-':
        filtered = object.Stream(options.filter == True)
        if filtered == []:
            filtered = ''

    print('obj %d %d' % (object.id, object.version))
    print(' Type: %s' % ConditionalCanonicalize(object.GetType(), options.nocanonicalizedoutput))
    print(' Referencing: %s' % ', '.join(map(lambda x: '%s %s %s' % x, object.GetReferences())))
    dataPrecedingStream = object.ContainsStream()
    oPDFParseDictionary = None
    if dataPrecedingStream:
        print(' Contains stream')
        if options.debug:
            print(' %s' % FormatOutput(dataPrecedingStream, options.raw))
        oPDFParseDictionary = cPDFParseDictionary(dataPrecedingStream, options.nocanonicalizedoutput)
        if options.hash:
            streamContent = object.Stream(False)
            print('  unfiltered')
            print('   len: %6d md5: %s' % (len(streamContent), hashlib.md5(streamContent).hexdigest()))
            print('   %s' % HexAsciiDumpLine(streamContent))
            streamContent = object.Stream(True)
            print('  filtered')
            print('   len: %6d md5: %s' % (len(streamContent), hashlib.md5(streamContent).hexdigest()))
            print('   %s' % HexAsciiDumpLine(streamContent))
            streamContent = None
        if options.debug or options.raw:
            print(' %s' % FormatOutput(object.content, options.raw))
        oPDFParseDictionary = cPDFParseDictionary(object.content, options.nocanonicalizedoutput)
    oPDFParseDictionary.PrettyPrint('  ')
    if options.filter and not options.dump:
        filtered = object.Stream()
        if filtered == []:
            print(' %s' % FormatOutput(object.content, options.raw))
            print(' %s' % FormatOutput(filtered, options.raw))
    if options.content:
        if object.ContainsStream():
            stream = object.Stream(False)
            if stream != []:
                print(' %s' % FormatOutput(stream, options.raw))
            print(''.join([token[1] for token in object.content]))

    if options.dump:
        filtered = object.Stream(options.filter == True)
        if filtered == []:
            filtered = ''
            fDump = open(options.dump, 'wb')
                print('Error writing file %s' % options.dump)
            print('Error writing file %s' % options.dump)

def Canonicalize(sIn):
    if sIn == '':
        return sIn
    elif sIn[0] != '/':
        return sIn
    elif sIn.find('#') == -1:
        return sIn
        i = 0
        iLen = len(sIn)
        sCanonical = ''
        while i < iLen:
            if sIn[i] == '#' and i < iLen - 2:
                    sCanonical += chr(int(sIn[i+1:i+3], 16))
                    i += 2
                    sCanonical += sIn[i]
                sCanonical += sIn[i]
            i += 1
        return sCanonical

def EqualCanonical(s1, s2):
    return Canonicalize(s1) == s2

def ConditionalCanonicalize(sIn, nocanonicalizedoutput):
    if nocanonicalizedoutput:
        return sIn
        return Canonicalize(sIn)

# http://code.google.com/p/pdfminerr/source/browse/trunk/pdfminer/pdfminer/ascii85.py
def ASCII85Decode(data):
  import struct
  n = b = 0
  out = ''
  for c in data:
    if '!' <= c and c <= 'u':
      n += 1
      b = b*85+(ord(c)-33)
      if n == 5:
        out += struct.pack('>L',b)
        n = b = 0
    elif c == 'z':
      assert n == 0
      out += '\0\0\0\0'
    elif c == '~':
      if n:
        for _ in range(5-n):
          b = b*85+84
        out += struct.pack('>L',b)[:n-1]
  return out

def ASCIIHexDecode(data):
    return binascii.unhexlify(''.join([c for c in data if c not in ' \t\n\r']).rstrip('>'))

def FlateDecode(data):
    return zlib.decompress(C2BIP3(data))

def RunLengthDecode(data):
    f = StringIO(data)
    decompressed = ''
    runLength = ord(f.read(1))
    while runLength:
        if runLength < 128:
            decompressed += f.read(runLength + 1)
        if runLength > 128:
            decompressed += f.read(1) * (257 - runLength)
        if runLength == 128:
        runLength = ord(f.read(1))
#    return sub(r'(\d+)(\D)', lambda m: m.group(2) * int(m.group(1)), data)
    return decompressed

#### LZW code sourced from pdfminer
# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Yusuke Shinyama <yusuke at cs dot nyu dot edu>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
# documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

class LZWDecoder(object):
    def __init__(self, fp):
        self.fp = fp
        self.buff = 0
        self.bpos = 8
        self.nbits = 9
        self.table = None
        self.prevbuf = None

    def readbits(self, bits):
        v = 0
        while 1:
            # the number of remaining bits we can get from the current buffer.
            r = 8-self.bpos
            if bits <= r:
                # |-----8-bits-----|
                # |-bpos-|-bits-|  |
                # |      |----r----|
                v = (v<<bits) | ((self.buff>>(r-bits)) & ((1<<bits)-1))
                self.bpos += bits
                # |-----8-bits-----|
                # |-bpos-|---bits----...
                # |      |----r----|
                v = (v<<r) | (self.buff & ((1<<r)-1))
                bits -= r
                x = self.fp.read(1)
                if not x: raise EOFError
                self.buff = ord(x)
                self.bpos = 0
        return v

    def feed(self, code):
        x = ''
        if code == 256:
            self.table = [ chr(c) for c in range(256) ] # 0-255
            self.table.append(None) # 256
            self.table.append(None) # 257
            self.prevbuf = ''
            self.nbits = 9
        elif code == 257:
        elif not self.prevbuf:
            x = self.prevbuf = self.table[code]
            if code < len(self.table):
                x = self.table[code]
                x = self.table[code]
            l = len(self.table)
            if l == 511:
                self.nbits = 10
            elif l == 1023:
                self.nbits = 11
            elif l == 2047:
                self.nbits = 12
            self.prevbuf = x
        return x

    def run(self):
        while 1:
                code = self.readbits(self.nbits)
            except EOFError:
            x = self.feed(code)
            yield x


def LZWDecode(data):
    return ''.join(LZWDecoder(StringIO(data)).run())

def PrintGenerateObject(object, options, newId=None):
    if newId == None:
        objectId = object.id
        objectId = newId
    dataPrecedingStream = object.ContainsStream()
    if dataPrecedingStream:
        if options.filter:
            decompressed = object.Stream(True)
            if decompressed == 'No filters' or decompressed.startswith('Unsupported filter: '):
                print('    oPDF.stream(%d, %d, %s, %s)' % (objectId, object.version, repr(object.Stream(False).rstrip()), repr(re.sub('/Length\s+\d+', '/Length %d', FormatOutput(dataPrecedingStream, True)).strip())))
                dictionary = FormatOutput(dataPrecedingStream, True)
                dictionary = re.sub(r'/Length\s+\d+', '', dictionary)
                dictionary = re.sub(r'/Filter\s*/[a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', dictionary)
                dictionary = re.sub(r'/Filter\s*\[.+\]', '', dictionary)
                dictionary = re.sub(r'^\s*<<', '', dictionary)
                dictionary = re.sub(r'>>\s*$', '', dictionary)
                dictionary = dictionary.strip()
                print("    oPDF.stream2(%d, %d, %s, %s, 'f')" % (objectId, object.version, repr(decompressed.rstrip()), repr(dictionary)))
            print('    oPDF.stream(%d, %d, %s, %s)' % (objectId, object.version, repr(object.Stream(False).rstrip()), repr(re.sub('/Length\s+\d+', '/Length %d', FormatOutput(dataPrecedingStream, True)).strip())))
        print('    oPDF.indirectobject(%d, %d, %s)' % (objectId, object.version, repr(FormatOutput(object.content, True).strip())))

def PrintObject(object, options):
    if options.generate:
        PrintGenerateObject(object, options)
        PrintOutputObject(object, options)

def File2Strings(filename):
        f = open(filename, 'r')
        return None
        return map(lambda line:line.rstrip('\n'), f.readlines())
        return None

def ProcessAt(argument):
    if argument.startswith('@'):
        strings = File2Strings(argument[1:])
        if strings == None:
            raise Exception('Error reading %s' % argument)
            return strings
        return [argument]

def YARACompile(fileordirname):
    dFilepaths = {}
    if os.path.isdir(fileordirname):
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fileordirname):
            for file in files:
                filename = os.path.join(root, file)
                dFilepaths[filename] = filename
        for filename in ProcessAt(fileordirname):
            dFilepaths[filename] = filename
    return yara.compile(filepaths=dFilepaths)

def AddDecoder(cClass):
    global decoders


class cDecoderParent():

def LoadDecoders(decoders, verbose):
    if decoders == '':
    scriptPath = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
    for decoder in sum(map(ProcessAt, decoders.split(',')), []):
            if not decoder.lower().endswith('.py'):
                decoder += '.py'
            if os.path.dirname(decoder) == '':
                if not os.path.exists(decoder):
                    scriptDecoder = os.path.join(scriptPath, decoder)
                    if os.path.exists(scriptDecoder):
                        decoder = scriptDecoder
            exec(open(decoder, 'r').read(), globals(), globals())
        except Exception as e:
            print('Error loading decoder: %s' % decoder)
            if verbose:
                raise e

class cIdentity(cDecoderParent):
    name = 'Identity function decoder'

    def __init__(self, stream, options):
        self.stream = stream
        self.options = options
        self.available = True

    def Available(self):
        return self.available

    def Decode(self):
        self.available = False
        return self.stream

    def Name(self):
        return ''

def DecodeFunction(decoders, options, stream):
    if decoders == []:
        return stream
    return decoders[0](stream, options.decoderoptions).Decode()

class cDumpStream():
    def __init__(self):
        self.text = ''

    def Addline(self, line):
        if line != '':
            self.text += line + '\n'

    def Content(self):
        return self.text

def HexDump(data):
    oDumpStream = cDumpStream()
    hexDump = ''
    for i, b in enumerate(data):
        if i % dumplinelength == 0 and hexDump != '':
            hexDump = ''
        hexDump += IFF(hexDump == '', '', ' ') + '%02X' % ord(b)
    return oDumpStream.Content()

def CombineHexAscii(hexDump, asciiDump):
    if hexDump == '':
        return ''
    return hexDump + '  ' + (' ' * (3 * (dumplinelength - len(asciiDump)))) + asciiDump

def HexAsciiDump(data):
    oDumpStream = cDumpStream()
    hexDump = ''
    asciiDump = ''
    for i, b in enumerate(data):
        if i % dumplinelength == 0:
            if hexDump != '':
                oDumpStream.Addline(CombineHexAscii(hexDump, asciiDump))
            hexDump = '%08X:' % i
            asciiDump = ''
        hexDump+= ' %02X' % ord(b)
        asciiDump += IFF(ord(b) >= 32, b, '.')
    oDumpStream.Addline(CombineHexAscii(hexDump, asciiDump))
    return oDumpStream.Content()

def HexAsciiDumpLine(data):
    return HexAsciiDump(data[0:16])[10:-1]
def Main():
    """pdf-parser, use it to parse a PDF document

    global decoders

    oParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='usage: %prog [options] pdf-file|zip-file|url\n' + __description__, version='%prog ' + __version__)
    oParser.add_option('-s', '--search', help='string to search in indirect objects (except streams)')
    oParser.add_option('-f', '--filter', action='store_true', default=False, help='pass stream object through filters (FlateDecode, ASCIIHexDecode, ASCII85Decode, LZWDecode and RunLengthDecode only)')
    oParser.add_option('-o', '--object', help='id of indirect object to select (version independent)')
    oParser.add_option('-r', '--reference', help='id of indirect object being referenced (version independent)')
    oParser.add_option('-e', '--elements', help='type of elements to select (cxtsi)')
    oParser.add_option('-w', '--raw', action='store_true', default=False, help='raw output for data and filters')
    oParser.add_option('-a', '--stats', action='store_true', default=False, help='display stats for pdf document')
    oParser.add_option('-t', '--type', help='type of indirect object to select')
    oParser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='display malformed PDF elements')
    oParser.add_option('-x', '--extract', help='filename to extract malformed content to')
    oParser.add_option('-H', '--hash', action='store_true', default=False, help='display hash of objects')
    oParser.add_option('-n', '--nocanonicalizedoutput', action='store_true', default=False, help='do not canonicalize the output')
    oParser.add_option('-d', '--dump', help='filename to dump stream content to')
    oParser.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False, help='display debug info')
    oParser.add_option('-c', '--content', action='store_true', default=False, help='display the content for objects without streams or with streams without filters')
    oParser.add_option('--searchstream', help='string to search in streams')
    oParser.add_option('--unfiltered', action='store_true', default=False, help='search in unfiltered streams')
    oParser.add_option('--casesensitive', action='store_true', default=False, help='case sensitive search in streams')
    oParser.add_option('--regex', action='store_true', default=False, help='use regex to search in streams')
    oParser.add_option('-g', '--generate', action='store_true', default=False, help='generate a Python program that creates the parsed PDF file')
    oParser.add_option('--generateembedded', type=int, default=0, help='generate a Python program that embeds the selected indirect object as a file')
    oParser.add_option('-y', '--yara', help='YARA rule (or directory or @file) to check streams (can be used with option --unfiltered)')
    oParser.add_option('--yarastrings', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print YARA strings')
    oParser.add_option('--decoders', type=str, default='', help='decoders to load (separate decoders with a comma , ; @file supported)')
    oParser.add_option('--decoderoptions', type=str, default='', help='options for the decoder')
    (options, args) = oParser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 1:
        print('  %s' % __description__)
        print('  Source code put in the public domain by Didier Stevens, no Copyright')
        print('  Use at your own risk')
        print('  https://DidierStevens.com')

        decoders = []
        LoadDecoders(options.decoders, True)

        oPDFParser = cPDFParser(args[0], options.verbose, options.extract)
        cntComment = 0
        cntXref = 0
        cntTrailer = 0
        cntStartXref = 0
        cntIndirectObject = 0
        dicObjectTypes = {}

        selectComment = False
        selectXref = False
        selectTrailer = False
        selectStartXref = False
        selectIndirectObject = False
        if options.elements:
            for c in options.elements:
                if c == 'c':
                    selectComment = True
                elif c == 'x':
                    selectXref = True
                elif c == 't':
                    selectTrailer = True
                elif c == 's':
                    selectStartXref = True
                elif c == 'i':
                    selectIndirectObject = True
                    print('Error: unknown --elements value %s' % c)
            selectIndirectObject = True
            if not options.search and not options.object and not options.reference and not options.type and not options.searchstream:
                selectComment = True
                selectXref = True
                selectTrailer = True
                selectStartXref = True
            if options.search:
                selectTrailer = True

        if options.type == '-':
            optionsType = ''
            optionsType = options.type

        if options.generate or options.generateembedded != 0:
            savedRoot = ['1', '0', 'R']
            print('Program generated by pdf-parser.py by Didier Stevens')
            print('Use at your own risk')
            print('Input PDF file: %s' % args[0])
            print('This Python program was created on: %s' % Timestamp())
            print('import mPDF')
            print('import sys')
            print('def Main():')
            print('    if len(sys.argv) != 2:')
            print("        print('Usage: %s pdf-file' % sys.argv[0])")
            print('        return')
            print('    oPDF = mPDF.cPDF(sys.argv[1])')

        if options.generateembedded != 0:
            print("    oPDF.header('1.1')")
            print(r"    oPDF.comment('\xd0\xd0\xd0\xd0')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(1, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Catalog\r\n /Outlines 2 0 R\r\n /Pages 3 0 R\r\n /Names << /EmbeddedFiles << /Names [(test.bin) 7 0 R] >> >>\r\n>>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(2, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Outlines\r\n /Count 0\r\n>>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(3, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Pages\r\n /Kids [4 0 R]\r\n /Count 1\r\n>>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(4, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Page\r\n /Parent 3 0 R\r\n /MediaBox [0 0 612 792]\r\n /Contents 5 0 R\r\n /Resources <<\r\n             /ProcSet [/PDF /Text]\r\n             /Font << /F1 6 0 R >>\r\n            >>\r\n>>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.stream(5, 0, 'BT /F1 12 Tf 70 700 Td 15 TL (This PDF document embeds file test.bin) Tj ET', '<< /Length %d >>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(6, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Font\r\n /Subtype /Type1\r\n /Name /F1\r\n /BaseFont /Helvetica\r\n /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding\r\n>>')")
            print(r"    oPDF.indirectobject(7, 0, '<<\r\n /Type /Filespec\r\n /F (test.bin)\r\n /EF << /F 8 0 R >>\r\n>>')")

        if options.yara != None:
            if not 'yara' in sys.modules:
                print('Error: option yara requires the YARA Python module.')
            rules = YARACompile(options.yara)

        while True:
            object = oPDFParser.GetObject()
            if object != None:
                if options.stats:
                    if object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_COMMENT:
                        cntComment += 1
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_XREF:
                        cntXref += 1
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_TRAILER:
                        cntTrailer += 1
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_STARTXREF:
                        cntStartXref += 1
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_INDIRECT_OBJECT:
                        cntIndirectObject += 1
                        type1 = object.GetType()
                        if not type1 in dicObjectTypes:
                            dicObjectTypes[type1] = [object.id]
                    if object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_COMMENT and selectComment:
                        if options.generate:
                            comment = object.comment[1:].rstrip()
                            if re.match('PDF-\d\.\d', comment):
                                print("    oPDF.header('%s')" % comment[4:])
                            elif comment != '%EOF':
                                print('    oPDF.comment(%s)' % repr(comment))
                        elif options.yara == None and options.generateembedded == 0:
                            print('PDF Comment %s' % FormatOutput(object.comment, options.raw))
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_XREF and selectXref:
                        if not options.generate and options.yara == None and options.generateembedded == 0:
                            if options.debug:
                                print('xref %s' % FormatOutput(object.content, options.raw))
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_TRAILER and selectTrailer:
                        oPDFParseDictionary = cPDFParseDictionary(object.content[1:], options.nocanonicalizedoutput)
                        if options.generate:
                            result = oPDFParseDictionary.Get('/Root')
                            if result != None:
                                savedRoot = result
                        elif options.yara == None and options.generateembedded == 0:
                            if not options.search or options.search and object.Contains(options.search):
                                if oPDFParseDictionary == None:
                                    print('trailer %s' % FormatOutput(object.content, options.raw))
                                    oPDFParseDictionary.PrettyPrint('  ')
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_STARTXREF and selectStartXref:
                        if not options.generate and options.yara == None and options.generateembedded == 0:
                            print('startxref %d' % object.index)
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_INDIRECT_OBJECT and selectIndirectObject:
                        if options.search:
                            if object.Contains(options.search):
                                PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.object:
                            if object.id == eval(options.object):
                                PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.reference:
                            if object.References(options.reference):
                                PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.type:
                            if EqualCanonical(object.GetType(), optionsType):
                                PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.hash:
                            print('obj %d %d' % (object.id, object.version))
                            rawContent = FormatOutput(object.content, True)
                            print(' len: %d md5: %s' % (len(rawContent), hashlib.md5(rawContent).hexdigest()))
                        elif options.searchstream:
                            if object.StreamContains(options.searchstream, not options.unfiltered, options.casesensitive, options.regex):
                                PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.yara != None:
                            results = object.StreamYARAMatch(rules, decoders, options.decoderoptions, not options.unfiltered)
                            if results != None and results != []:
                                for result in results:
                                    for yaraResult in result[1]:
                                        print('YARA rule%s: %s (%s)' % (IFF(result[0] == '', '', ' (stream decoder: %s)' % result[0]), yaraResult.rule, yaraResult.namespace))
                                        if options.yarastrings:
                                            for stringdata in yaraResult.strings:
                                                print('%06x %s:' % (stringdata[0], stringdata[1]))
                                                print(' %s' % binascii.hexlify(C2BIP3(stringdata[2])))
                                                print(' %s' % repr(stringdata[2]))
                                    PrintObject(object, options)
                        elif options.generateembedded != 0:
                            if object.id == options.generateembedded:
                                PrintGenerateObject(object, options, 8)
                            PrintObject(object, options)
                    elif object.type == PDF_ELEMENT_MALFORMED:
                            fExtract = open(options.extract, 'wb')
                                print('Error writing file %s' % options.extract)
                            print('Error writing file %s' % options.extract)

        if options.stats:
            print('Comment: %s' % cntComment)
            print('XREF: %s' % cntXref)
            print('Trailer: %s' % cntTrailer)
            print('StartXref: %s' % cntStartXref)
            print('Indirect object: %s' % cntIndirectObject)
            names = dicObjectTypes.keys()
            for key in names:
                print(' %s %d: %s' % (key, len(dicObjectTypes[key]), ', '.join(map(lambda x: '%d' % x, dicObjectTypes[key]))))

        if options.generate or options.generateembedded != 0:
            print("    oPDF.xrefAndTrailer('%s')" % ' '.join(savedRoot))
            print("if __name__ == '__main__':")
            print('    Main()')

def TestPythonVersion(enforceMaximumVersion=False, enforceMinimumVersion=False):
    if sys.version_info[0:3] > __maximum_python_version__:
        if enforceMaximumVersion:
            print('This program does not work with this version of Python (%d.%d.%d)' % sys.version_info[0:3])
            print('Please use Python version %d.%d.%d' % __maximum_python_version__)
            print('This program has not been tested with this version of Python (%d.%d.%d)' % sys.version_info[0:3])
            print('Should you encounter problems, please use Python version %d.%d.%d' % __maximum_python_version__)
    if sys.version_info[0:3] < __minimum_python_version__:
        if enforceMinimumVersion:
            print('This program does not work with this version of Python (%d.%d.%d)' % sys.version_info[0:3])
            print('Please use Python version %d.%d.%d' % __maximum_python_version__)
            print('This program has not been tested with this version of Python (%d.%d.%d)' % sys.version_info[0:3])
            print('Should you encounter problems, please use Python version %d.%d.%d' % __maximum_python_version__)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exclamation attention Exclamation
+1 (3) -1 (0) Répondre
02-11-2016, 12h41 (Modification du message : 02-11-2016, 12h41 par InforMods.)
Message : #2
InforMods Hors ligne

Messages : 20
Sujets : 4
Points: 6
Inscription : Jul 2016
RE: PDF-Scanneur
Je vais tester ça même si tu me l'avais déjà envoyer.
+1 (0) -1 (0) Répondre
02-11-2016, 12h44
Message : #3
hackline Hors ligne

Messages : 22
Sujets : 2
Points: 10
Inscription : Sep 2016
RE: PDF-Scanneur
(02-11-2016, 12h41)InforMods a écrit : Je vais tester ça même si tu me l'avais déjà envoyer.
pas en entier, c’était trop long je crois
Exclamation attention Exclamation
+1 (0) -1 (0) Répondre

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